Renedra 28mm scenery review

Recently I acquired some Renedra scenery that caught my eye at Salute 2011.

I only didn’t buy it right there because I run out of money. Eventually few weeks later I got my hands on it 🙂

First pack I got is a set of gravestones. It costs 8 pounds and you get 44 gravestones and two ravens in it. There are 22 different gravestones in it, both ones looking old and broken as well as new ones. I am actually amazed at the amazing detail of those- you can even see things such as plants growing on the slates or writing on them! Very impressive and for that amount of money it is an ideal choice for people wanting to build some quality scenery for their games or for somebody interested in adding some suitable bits to their undead bases for example.

Another set I acquired is mixed tents. They cost 7 pounds and you get 6 different tents plus campfire and two bits of camp furniture. There are three different types of tents and each type also comes with flap open and flap closed variety. again quality is amazing and price is very good as well.

Last set I got was barrels- 3 pounds for 10 barrels (5 small ones and 5 bigger ones). Again, great detail and quality and same goes for price.

They have more scenery on their website (quite tempted with their North American Farmhouse for upcoming Malifaux campaign in our club which judging by the quality of stuff I got will be great as well!). It is not often that you get such a good quality and detail for such a reasonable price so I can honestly totally recommend their products. Hope there will be more in future as well!


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Filed under 25/28 mm models

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