Monthly Archives: October 2014

Ork count-as vengeance weapon battery

So I am going to another small 40k tournament and finally decided to bring my beloved Orks that had been waiting for it for a long time!  One of the things I am taking in my army is count-as Vengeance Weapon battery (with a battlecannon of course to add more boom! to my list). I dodn’t like the look of GW one and few weeks ago i have seen our local Ork player with a weapon battery made off abandoned Leman Russ tank. I decided to loot his idea like any good Ork kommanda would and put some bits together to create my own take on it. Used converted hull of chimera that I had off my mate , battlewagon turret with a killkannon, some sandbags, few other bits, covered the base with polyfilla and added Kromlech ork tank commander at the end. Tomorrow I will paint it, in the meantime however you can look at my work in progress 🙂

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